A 40-year-old Delhi bakery owner, Puneet Khurana, tragically died by suicide after accusing his wife, Manika Pahwa, and her family of harassment. The case mirrors the suicide of Atul Subhash, a Bengaluru techie, who also faced similar marital issues. Puneet recorded a 59-minute video detailing the alleged mental pressure from his wife and business-related disputes.
A 40-year-old Delhi bakery owner, Puneet Khurana, tragically died by suicide after accusing his wife, Manika Pahwa, and her family of harassment. The case mirrors the suicide of Atul Subhash, a Bengaluru techie, who also faced similar marital issues. Puneet recorded a 59-minute video detailing the alleged mental pressure from his wife and business-related disputes. Police investigation is ongoing, with his family filing a complaint for abetment to suicide. This case highlights the serious impact of domestic abuse and mental health challenges.
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