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  • EU Tech Laws: Navigating the Digital Age

    EU Tech Laws: Navigating the Digital Age0

    The European Union (EU) has emerged as a forerunner in regulating the tech landscape. From data privacy to fair competition, the bloc has enacted several landmark laws that have influenced legislation around the world. Let’s delve into two key EU Tech Laws regulations: the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the recently adopted Artificial Intelligence

  • Hinduja Legacy: Swiss Court Verdict

    Hinduja Legacy: Swiss Court Verdict0

    The Hinduja family, synonymous with wealth and philanthropy in india , finds itself embroiled in a controversy with international ramifications. In June 2021, a Swiss court found four members of the family guilty of exploiting domestic workers at their Geneva residence. This verdict sent shockwaves through the business world and cast a shadow over the

  • Dubai Weather: Heavy Rainfall

    Dubai Weather: Heavy Rainfall0

    Dubai, the desert metropolis known for its scorching sunshine and sprawling luxury developments, woke up to a different scene today – heavy rainfall and strong winds. This unexpected Dubai weather, while causing some disruptions, has also brought a sense of relief to the region. A Rare Downpour The National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) issued an